Babu Engineering Foundry manufactures Quality Iron castings with Cable Route Markers as one of our major products amongst the others, for past 35 years and we have succeeded in terms of Quality and Clients with main objective being focused on Client Satisfaction.
Be it a large or small, intricate the job may be, properly marking and identifying every cable being used at any point during the application is essential in ensuring both the safety of all those involved, as well as overall project efficiency.
Located in Coimbatore Tamilnadu, We deliver Cable Route Markers to numerous customers across India. High Quality, Wide variety, Professional and Ethical Business Practices make us a reliable one stop source of Cable Route Markers across the country.
Our Advantages


High Quality

Wide Vareity

Right Price

Timely Delivery
Featured Products
Standard - Round Disk - 100mm / 4 Inches.
Square 300mm / 1 feet / 12 Inches
Oval 100mm / 4 Inches
Railways Standard

High Quality

Right Price

Wide Variety